
By Inverculain

Looking up

Last day in Sydney. I took this shot this morning, between meetings in the CBD. At the time I was taking it, I was only really concentrating on how the tall buildings converged as they rose in the wide angle view. It was only when I looked at it later that I realised how the visible areas of sky echo the shape of the street junction below. (Which makes sense, I suppose - it just never occurred to me!)

All week here I've been uncomfortably hot in what my local friends describe as "lovely mild autumn weather" (hah!). As you can see from the sky in the picture, though, today the clouds were gathering....and by the end of the day when I left the office, it was raining heavily. A slow taxi ride to the airport (hold ups due to an accident on the wet roads, apparently), but I caught my first flight to Melbourne no problem. (Or rather - "no worries" :D) Landed there to discover the next leg - to HK - is delayed by an hour (due to bad weather there), so I'm currently kicking my heels in the lounge... which at least has given me the opportunity to post this! :)

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