My 40th year

By 54r4h

Head first

Heidi loves sliding, this is at the gym before her swimming lesson.

Mark woke me up at 6am to sew a button on his shirt, he is completely incapable of sorting these things out the night before. I walked the dogs and then had a training session at the gym, I had to go in the rather intimidating weights section to look a fool. I had delicious chestnut soup and makhmour at Jennies house, really yummy, for swimming lunch and then we took all the girls to their swimming lesson. I rushed back to collect India and her 2 friends. They played so happily for an hour after school but whilst I thought Heidi was joining in she had actually taken herself off to bed for an afternoon power nap! We took India and co to Dunham for a den building brownies session and then came home to get ready for a night out with the mums from Heidi's class. I had a good chat with my friend who I am worried about as she is having her op tomorrow. Carole came to collect me and we had a great night at San Carlo, I am off to bed now at 3am, school run in 5 hours, eurrgghhh!

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