Polka dot flamenco....!

A happy morning! After a wonderful service in the parish church that sits within the school grounds, the pupils headed back for an Easter egg hunt while the parents had coffee and hot cross buns. At mid day they were off on their holidays, one to India, another to St Lucia, another to Florida and who knows where else....I wish them all a very happy time!

Five of us headed for lunch locally and that was good. I think we shall meet up again before the new term starts. I have wonderful colleagues..again!

And on the way home I saw these delightful little shoes in the window of a charity shop! Had to have them, even if only for their colour and happy- making spots and cute little flamenco print on the inner heel. Size 22 I see. Not sure what that equates to, but I really hope no very little girl tried to walk in them. For show only, surely!

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