
By QuiltyT

Plum Tree

This was supposed to be a train! I picked the old man up from the station today, and thought I would get some pics of the trains. First of all, I realised that the refurbishment of the station also included a new bridge - right in front of the old one. Not to be thwarted, I managed to find a position where I could actually see some track, and there was train approaching. I knew I would only have time for one shot, so I held my nerve and click! Only it wouldn't click. Once again, I had forgotten to put the memory card back after uploading yesterday's pics. How many more times am I going to do this?

So, this is the plum tree that grows next door. I kind of like how it looks against the black background. Hopefully it will have a good crop this year, as my neighbours are usually very generous!

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