Getting Out

I took myself out today to meet a pal for lunch at Whitmuir Organic Farm. He has now recovered from a serious illness, is a grandad again and has much to look forward to. Lunch was tasty.

As well as the cafe, an art gallery, a community bakery, a shop that sells all things organic, it is a working farm. That means there was lots of mud. A party of schoolchildren were experiencing the reality of a working farm and learning where their food comes from. They took much of the mud home with them.

I wondered around for a bit and made the acquaintance of some hens, free range of course. They were much friendlier than the pigs who had found a good way of camouflage by rolling in the mud. It was difficult to tell where the mud stopped and a pig started. They were at one with nature; very appropriate on an organic farm.

I had to buy something from the organic shop to support the cause. Organic, fair trade, chocolate buttons which I shared when I got home. It was a day full of virtue.

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