Now you know . . .

. . . where old sewing machines end up! This is in a café/bar/restaurant by the old Roman bridge in Silves. The owner used to sell and repair them but when business deteriorated he decided to open the café instead, using the machines as decoration and the treadle bases as tables.

The old chap is quite a collector- there was also a 1950s table football machine in there too, complete with ashtrays in the corners!

Walked down to the nearest eatery this evening, 20 minutes through the orange and lemon trees along little country lanes, being barked at by farm dogs as we passed them.

Needless to say there was a black out while we were there. There has been one at some point almost every night for the last five years, due to the colossal overloading of the electrical system in the place! As well as all the kitchen equipment there are also two TVs, both mostly showing Portuguese football, one in the bar and a huge one by the fire place in the restaurant, within hitting distance of our host who every so often gives it a thump to try and get a better picture!

He is a fascinating old man, educated in South Africa, winner of car rallies in the 1960s, now overseeing proceedings from the comfort of his chair by the fire. His wife is in the kitchen and his very aged parents are upstairs! The waitress is a lovely Russian girl, working here to learn Portuguese before heading off to Italy to learn Italian!

Walked home in darkness, accompanied by the sound of thousands of frogs and cicadas. . . .

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