My Best Efforts - Year 3


A Nice Thing Happened........

..............Whilst Anni was in the States, her husband (Himself) kindly came over to take me shopping in Seaford and bought me some Roses and Pinks. Sad to say, the roses wilted within a couple of hours of getting them home. I was so disappointed. I rang Sainsburys and told them the sad tale - huge apologies from them - they would send some more over specially. I had quite a few flowers already from Anni so I said I would rather wait until I was in Sleaford again.
After our visit to the Hospital yesterday, Anni & I went shopping and I chose these beautiful Roses to replace the ones that died - they were much less open when I got them - there are no signs of them drooping and they have opened beautifully - aren't they just gorgeous!
The Pinks that came in the original bunch are still lovely so it's rather like having two bouquets from Himself!

Anni is off on one of her missions today - set off at midnight after the day of running me about. Was pleased to get a text from her very early this morning to say she had arrived at Heathrow safely. Hope she got a bit of sleep whist in flight as she has a 4 hour drive when she reaches her destination!!! It couldn't have come at a worse time really but she should get a good nights sleep tonight before travelling back tomorrow. I expect I shall be on tenterhooks until she gets to her hotel tonight.

Weather here cloudy but dry - no air pollution as they have in the South - temperature has just reached 50 Deg.F but feels colder because of lack of sunshine.

Thanks for all your good wishes yesterday - just a matter of MORE tests!!

Have a good day yourselves.

Whoops - I almost forgot the BOUI !! -

1) The creation of the rose is usually attributed to Flora, the goddess of spring and flowers and the subject of many rose myths. After one of her nymphs died, Flora called upon the gods to change her into a beautiful flower. Apollo gave her life; Bacchus gave her nectar; Vertumnus, a beautiful perfume; Pomona, a fruit; and Flora, a "crown" of petals. The myth continues that when Cupid, son of Venus and the Roman counterpart to Eros, shot arrows at bees which had stung him, thorns (more correctly called "prickles") grew from the rose stems where his arrows missed their mark.


2) In one medieval myth, Emperor Ludwig of Germany was protected by a rose while sleeping overnight in the woods. After hanging his crucifix onto a thorn bush fashioned into an altar, he awakened to discover the bramble has changed to a rose and he built a chapel in its honour.

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