Neigh, neigh and thrice neigh

Though the world rushes,
There are green fields and horses,
Quietly grazing.

........ a dashing about day.... on the way home from Brighton I decided to take a scenic route and stop off at a favourite field to take a deep breath.

I had been into Brighton to go to the Breast screening unit to have something checked out. Thankfully all is clear and fine, but while in the waiting room it struck me that this won't be the case for so many. There we were, some with partners, some with friends, trying to chat and be normal, reading magazines, having coffee ..... while for some lives would be changed forever. Anyway I wrote this:

The Waiting Room

Female power and weakness,
Smart, casual, young and old,
All equal here.

We leaf through inconsequential pages,
As if fashion mattered,
As if anything mattered.

The hazy world gains focus,
There is no doubt, no faith,
Just the precious kernel,
Is all.

alternative blip?

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