Our big aussie adventure

By Kristyn


We had such a bad night with Felix last night. He pretty much just screamed for hours and no matter what we tried to do nothing would settle him. It's hard at night because everyone is exhausted and you can't think straight. You say dumb things that you don't mean and get angry when you're just frustrated. Every night pac and hope Felix might have a good night, so let's see this time!

What makes it all worth it are those ridiculously happy smiles we get in the morning. Let's just say he is so lucky he is so damn cute!

We went exploring round sandy Bay today and were welcomed with a huge playground in a sandpit! Oscar couldn't run fast enough into the playground. Archie and Harry would have had a ball playing with oscar there. What made it even better was this playground was located on the beachfront! All we have to do now is get Felix to sleep and life will be perfect :-)

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