
By FourSeasoned

I'm glad that I blip...

for many reasons, not the least of them being that as time seems to fly by so quickly, here will be a concrete record of my year in images and thoughts.
Today was a little rough. Flower delivery followed by "the call" that I could pick Hen up when I was ready. Enclosed in this "package" was an imprint of his paw that I will cast in glass for a mosaic bench that I will do this summer.
A notification of a celebratory blip, 500 by blipfriend RipandRoo. These two never cease to brighten my day and I was so honored by their tribute to Hen. Stop by and wish them a happy blipday if you've the time.
Thank you all who dropped by and left stars, hearts and comments, it has helped a great deal. XOX

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