...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

the CART

Facing the cart. Once again, the cart sat alone on the side of the road in the bushes. I shot it again, this time reflecting on what one could store in a cart. Groceries are an obvious thought, sundries and clothing from the multipurpose store, however, they don't stay in the cart for long, they are moved from the cart to the car or over the shoulder off to the house. Of course if you happen to be homeless, everything you own may actually be stored in the cart.

As the days fly closer to Christmas, I remember the faces of those I see pushing the cart down the street. Carts filled to the top with all kinds of finds. This is all they have. Random items, a vacuum cleaner??? Blankets, to lay down on the cold hard ground, bottles and cans for the recyclers and yes, at times a old scruffy dog.

Why are they pushing the cart? Some are mentally ill, sometimes chatting with themselves, some are veterans, some have made the choice, some smile, some are angry, but all are someones kid, sibling, classmate.

It is sad to think that someone you know, may be out there somewhere pushing a cart, alone with everything they own in that cart.

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