Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Heart Rot

Because I just know there are lots of people out there who really want to know what heart rot looks like, here you go.. :-) As mentioned yesterday for the reason to cut a couple extra small fir trees. Heart rot is a fungus (there are several kinds..white, brown, )that shows up like these mushrooms (conks) on the side of the tree where there was probably a wound, and the fungus (little white specks) attack the heart of the tree, slowly, making the inside wood soft, leaving only the outer new wood hard, until it usually breaks off somewhere in the middle, (and falls on your house...) We’ll burn them in our wood stove.... ( this is part of the one that was falling yesterday)

Posting this earlyish as we are leaving later today for Seattle - leaving piles of wood and branches around, but I did manage to put some stain on the new wood repairs on our decks. Good timing - it seems the weather is changing..... tomorrow it’s back to grandchildren blips!

Added a few to the Island flickr set, including this one to appreciate the big arbutus and it’s 2 arms that came down so expertly yesterday... (yes, that’s a moose under the porch.. :-).)

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