Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

I can fit

I have no idea how Elliot managed to get himself under grandma's telly table but he did.
We can now see the whites of our bottom teeth however we seem to have stopped teething!!!
Appetites are returning to normal but Elliot is still not being the most compliant at tea time but the crying when trying to feed him has stopped. Isaac has been brilliant opening his mouth ready for food and eating much more than his brother.

I'm hoping the boys sleep all night to night we had a 3am wake up call last night and Elliot took an hour to go back off. So I've been one tired mummy all day.

Hen do gift back packing tomorrow with one of the bridesmaids, can't wait for Saturday it should be a great night. Let's hope Mr L copes with the boys on his own lol

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