Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Hair Clip

I was woken by the rain this morning and so shot the ripples on the surface of the pond here (and the next one).

There was a good dose of thunder this afternoon and it has cleared the air slightly (but not the clouds).

I hope to God it is clear tomorrow evening when I am going to South Queensferry with the intention of taking pictures.

My daughter returned the battery charger for my compact camera today (the sort of thing Brooksie calls a "Beer Camera") so I will at least be able to slip it in my pocket for wet shots without risking the SLR.

In the bag along with the battery charger was this hair grip which I thought was nice and sparkly and pulled me out of my rain depression for a few minutes.........so I blipped it.

God , I must have the worst wireless connection in the world - I spend half my time waiting for the signal/connection to come back........the number of times I have lost and had to redo things like blip uploads.

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