Work, Rest and Play

A balanced day, everything in its place. A lovely morning with Kazuko, Valerie and Arthur reliving our holiday memories as we looked at the photos on the computer. Back blips done. Then, while Kazuko took the kids to the dentist for the afternoon (it's far away) I went to work and put up my curriculum display. The school closed at 1500 so I wasn't able to get as much homework done as I had hoped. Anyway, I treated myself to a stroll around Sorakuen Garden where I took today's blip.

I got back home to an empty flat so I went for a lovely 10 km run in just shorts and T-shirt. That decided me; with this gorgeous weather, next week, when the kids go back to school, I'm going to run an ultra-marathon to Akashi Bridge and back. That should be about sixty-five kilometers - my longest ever ultra-marathon.

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