Face To Face

Back-blipping after a fantastic excursion to Fukui. We were up at 0430 on Monday morning to catch the Thunderbird Shinkansen from Osaka Station. Then we took a local train at Fukui to Katsuyama and then a special dinosaur bus to get to the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum. Man, I was in Seventh Heaven! This is an incredible museum! Just over four hours there but I could have stayed longer. Life-size dinosaur animatronics (like this one here), movies, countless completely original and dramatically posed skeletons in impressive dioramas, paintings, hands-on exhibits ..... the list is endless. Unfortunately, time waits for no one so at 1425 we took a bus and a couple of trains to our hotel where we enjoyed a tea ceremony before relaxing in a gorgeous onsen, eating a fabulous meal and then enjoying another bathe in the onsen before turning in at 2200. A wonderful day!

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