Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Foggy start

Waking up to fog/mist this morning.

My normal "non working day" - visit to mum, she was quite vacant today, talking about her family to me as third person, still talking about moving/leaving the home as Mary (?) has pleaded with her to go and live with her. Mary has one girl, one boy and her husband has died. Reality if this conversation is that we don't have a family member called Mary, I have a girl and boy and my sisters estranged husband died a year ago. The brain is so complicated when it comes to dementia how it pieces things together in such a muddled way!

Took pa-in-law to hospital appointment this afternoon back where he used to live, further investigations needed and a severe talking to about his smoking. He has reached the ripe age of 84 and sees this as one of his only pleasures in life - hard to take.

Back to work tomorrow.


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