Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk


May you touch
dragonflies and stars,
dance with fairies
and talk to the moon.


I was thinking about what photo to chose… The stairs - a better shot, or this one of the telescope. Obviously I chose the lesser good, but maybe a more interesting one. :)
After a rather emotional day at work I decided to take a trip in to town and visit the observatory, to take my mind off things. Every Tuesday, when the sky is clear of clouds, there's a 'showing of stars' at the observatory in town. This is the very old telescope we looked at Jupiter, and the twin star Castor and M3 (I think…) a star cluster with 5000 stars gathered in a ball formed shape.
My fellow club members joked with me that there was an initiation rite thingy for new members to close the doors on the celling dome, after the tour: And that the doors were closed from the outside. Yea, right… Nope, not going to do that!! And of course the closing mechanism were on the inside. :)
After getting the bus home I rushed out to take a few photos of the night sky. Jupiter shone bright. Cassiopeia and the Big Dipper were also easy to find. I just were out for a short while. Really, really cold!!
Now I'm off to bed and looking forward to my day off tomorrow! :)

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