4years 161days
The evening did not go well last night. Not well at all. A great deal of vomit from a wee lady who kept having coughing fits, with a big ol' fever too boot. But when eventually she settled, it was deep, good sleep. She woke up quite bright, bit peaky still, but brighter. I didnt want to send her to nursery though after the night she'd had. We decided to take a bus to town as we had jobs that had to be done today, including some banking. As I did what needed doing, she practiced her numbers on a banking slip. She then carried it with her for the rest of the day.
We made a little refreshment stop at a church in the very middle of town. Their sign advertised tea and coffee. They were true to their word. For the princely sum of 70p we got a cup of decaf coffee, a glass of water for little miss and a plate of biscuits, including chocolate ones! They were very friendly and welcoming to Katie too. So we shall definitely be returning there.
We got the bus home from town, getting off a couple of stops early to pop into nursery and pay her fees before month's end. She had a major coughing fit, coming in from the outside air to the always-very-warm nursery air. Consequently she wanted snuggles most of the way home. Until she decided she wanted to run. We got home and had a snuggle with "Annie" on the TV.
There was less coughing when she went to bed tonight so we shall see how she's doing....
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