Too Fast For Me

A cloudy start to the day again but the sun came out in the afternoon and warm but clouded over again by the time I finished work.

Back to work today and a fairly busy start with the bairns on Easter holidays.
After work, I've been out to feed mam's sheep, walk the dogs, pop along granny, pop along friends Douglas and Iris, went to go along my sister Laura but she was out and now ready to settle down for the night and watch "Shetland" :)

Walking Sammy dog with mam's two Collies after work and trying to snap a photo of them was proving hard! Sammy and Rob just chase each other round and round. Great fun for them and I have three very tired dogs tonight :) You can see the speed they are going in this one semi decent attempt I managed to snap. Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.

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