Plus ça change...

By SooB


It was certainly pretty springy around here today. After a chilly start, lots of warm sunshine to make hard labour in the garden (almost) a pleasure. Digging, hoeing, planting, spreading compost, cutting trees, cutting grass, clearing brambles, and a certain amount of standing around admiring tulips and leeks, both of which seem to do very well here.

In non-gardening news, TallGirl came second in her running today (they seem to have done a mile on the track) but is still unconvinced that she has enough talent at sport to even contemplate joining the athletics club. I have promised to take her running with me. That should convince her of her talents!

In only tangentally garden news, CarbBoy was entirely taken in by a spoof on a gardening website about growing M&Ms in the garden. Very well done spoof - I'm sure you can find it on youtube if you're interested.

The kids, after being monosyllabic all day, burst into animated conversation as soon as I mentioned bedtime. I thought I was wise to these games and refused to be drawn into conversation and thereby delay bedtime. I continued to refuse to be drawn into conversation for 45 minutes, during which time we covered the French election results, the use of the futur anterior tense and what the word monologue means.

I think I was played. (Again.)

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