My favourite months!.........

.......... I love the four months April, May, June and July and the 8 months since July 31st seem to have taken forever to pass. but today the long awaited day has arrived, no stopping me now!
I have been off work again today, I woke up feeling really dizzy and not well at all, but as the day has worn on I have felt so much better, so back to work tomorrow.
While I was still in bed this morning Mr U&L took the dogs for a walk in the thick fog and lost Freddy!!! he rang me, but before I could do anything I saw a lady in the street bringing him back. Apparently she found him at the top of our road on his way home - bless him! at least we know he knows where home is!
During the morning I sat on the wall in the garden watching the bees, I think the fresh air did me good, and the sun on my back certainly made me feel better!
So, today's blip is a female Hairy- footed flower bee Anthophora plumipes, so called because the male has a very hairy middle leg!
They are similar to small bumble bees and could easily be confused for one, and buzz about frenetically and can hover well.
The males are tawny in colour, but the females are all black, with orangey brown pollen baskets.
Fortunately for me this female really liked my wallflowers and stopped just for a short while to sip some nectar.

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