The photo shows the sort of detail on one of the drawings I'm using. I have to produce a document that can be priced by subcontractors from a couple of hundred drawings like this.
Made the most of my last "relaxed" breakfast for a while. Off to Cardiff today to collect the package of information [drawings etc] to get on with over the next week. The usual, fairly quick turnaround is needed. So for the next ten days or so the plan is to get my head down and get stuck in! Fortunately don't need to get in the office until 8.30.....
The few hours soon passes, I collected the printed drawings, got copies of other things I needed and had a catch-up with some of the people I know in the office. By 12 it was time to head back to take K2 to Newport for her hairdressers appointment. Not too long hanging around before the call came to return to collect them. Then the all important decision, where to go for lunch? A fairly quick decision and it was off to Gemelli's, on Bridge Street. If you've never been there I recommend it, even if only for coffee and cake. K and I were there earlier this year and it was a real pleasure to return for a proper lunch. Made the most of it, from now on it begins.......
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