
By AnthonyBailey

Confusion pricing

...Clapham Park Road.

'Sandra Webb Hair & Beauty is an award-winning hair salon'

'Cut & finish (mens)' - the cheapest item on a 23-option price list
'Manager Creative Director' - £18
'Senior Stylist' - £16
'Stylist' - £15
(Barber? - not listed)

Does the senior stylist give a second-rate cut, the stylist a third-rate cut?

'Full head weave' - the most expensive item
'Manager Creative Director' - £185
'Senior Stylist' - £155
'Stylist' - £120

You'd expect a top notch top for £120. What can paying an extra £65 add?

One full head weave for £120 or three years and four months of regular trims?
The latter. I'll stick I to my £6 snip in Soho.

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