Day Two

...and more of the same of were we finished off yesterday! Robin and Laura joined us early afternoon after we'd eaten at a funky cafe Boo had found online. The decor was just perfect for her. I struggled eating my homemade pizza but felt a lot better for doing so! We then ventured out down Temple Bar and ate at a gorgeous steakhouse. Pork ribs and fillet for me. It was devine! I wish I photographed the branding as that was as impressive. We then spent the rest of the evening dancing to soul music in another location Boo had found online. The bars we're in this time round are a lot different to the previous 2 years, but equally as enjoyable! It was a 4am bedtime. Benge's nightcap consisted of this 2 pint jug of bitter. We'd ran out of clean glasses. I was in stitches!!

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