Misty dawn.

The mist was really fog this morning as you can see here! It was so thick in parts that I was almost on top of the deer before I saw them, and they were off!
Sadly, one of the goslings is lame, really lame. Mother Goose became quite agitated when I went towards it, so I backed off. It is lying down, preening, but when it tries to stand it falls over. I was on my bike so could not take it - I'm not sure it is allowed anyway. I felt a real heel leaving it. I am about to phone the Park Office to report it.
I rode around the park for a while, hoping for better light, but the mist just became thicker. I took this image as I was about to leave.
My Blip is up early today. If I have a chance to get a better one I will change it, but I doubt that will happen.
PS I phoned the Park's Office early this morning and spoke to a very nice lady about the gosling who said she would pass my message on.

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