Is T-R-Y-I-N-G to get here. :)

Look into my eye...

Even though we are still covered in a deep blanket of white (at least knee deep... well, hip deep in some places) little signs of spring are starting to make an appearance.

First thing today I spotted this chipmunk checking out the world after hibernating for the winter. Later, I saw a red-winged black bird at the feeder. Spring can't be too far away with these little creatures in the neighborhood! Then tonight I had a robin hanging around... I know they don't migrate, but they sure don't show their faces until spring is about. :) It was too late for a decent picture of him, so I'm hopeful that he'll still be around tomorrow and I'll have a ready made blip... :-D

I enjoy all of the seasons and sure is fun to watch the changes from one to the next occur. :)

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