Lifes journey in pictures

By Sigrdrifa


Found a mother and four kittens in the garden, nearly three weeks ago. I put search notices out but no body claimed this cat and it looks like it is a stray.

I started feeding her, she wouldn't touch her food at first but after 2 days she started eating. I guess hunger was stronger than her suspicion!

Nearly a week later she was gone... I checked several hours later and still no cat unter the bush. But I saw one little kitten was still there! I left again and waited until it was dark and it was getting cold. I thought mum would come back but the kitten was still there. It didn't move, so I reached out and got it from under the bush as I thought it would not survive the night.

Went to the vet the next day, got kitten milk and started feeding it:

this is the result!

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