Illegal images

As you can see, this is an unbelievably subversive afront to society, a potential threat to National Security and a trule shocking image. Well, that woudl be the case if you were the security guard that insisted that this is an illegal photograph as it was taken in Parliament Square, apparently private land. I did argue that this assertion was incorrect yet he seemed to have all the facts to hand, in that he had been told that the rukes were the rules. Thank god this isn't the seat of Scottish Law.... Oh, this is apparently the seat of Scottish Law, that gives you confidence...

Anyway, this weeks blip challenge is vertical and I had the idea of the vertical lines created by the fine Georgian architecture at the rear of St Giles Cathedral and fortunately I only needed the one shot before one of the stormtroopers came along to stop me shooting...

I do think that this would be a lovely piece of art for someone to hang on their walls if anyone fanices joining me in an act of subversion by buying an image of an illegal place.

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