
By Brookeside

Easter bonnet

Here I am modelling the bonnet mum and dad got me for Easter. I like the sound of Easter, parties, egg hunts, egg decorating and chocolate, fab! I'm feeling great, my 2nd bout of HFM only lasted a day and today we got the all clear from the GP that my UTI has totally cleared up. We still need to go and get a scan at the hospital just to check there is no lasting damage, but we are all very positive that it will be fine too! Had a fun day today with dad then papa and gran and mum when she got home from work. I've been a big chatterbox today and can now string a full sentence together with just the odd word missing! I've developed a funny little accent on some words like my new favourite phrase "Help (heyalp) I'm stuck!" I also like to fill in the last word of phrases that people say to me all the time and tonight I showed gran and papa how clever I am at doing this when mum was talking about the car and I said "seatbelt on" then mum said clunk click and I said every trip :)

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