Mothering Sunday

We had a Cafe church in our village hall this morning, with breakfast served from 9.30am.
Bacon baps, croissants, toast, fruit juice and coffee were available (drinks free, bacon baps £1) with newspapers and good company!
75 people came, including children, and at 11 o'clock the service began. Everyone sang and joined in!
The children were asked to look for certain items on the tables which their mothers might use, and brought them up to the front. A whisk, soap powder, a screw driver, plasters, car keys etc all appeared as the busy life of mothers was discussed. The last item was a big red paper heart to symbolise a mother's love. The little girl who found it asked if she might keep it!
These pots of polyanthus were distributed before the end of the service.
In a village of 200 inhabitants, there are usually about 25 in church on a normal Sunday morning, so a turn out of 75 was quite something!
Food for thought!

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