Ridiculous or smart?

A horribly long day that started at 5.30am for me as I had a coaching session at 7am (I coach the middle distance track team) before work and then we had a Grade 9 options evening which meant that my kids were asleep when I left the house this morning and again when I returned this evening.
When I went to check on them and give them a kiss I found Olivia asleep in her clothes. The babysitter assured me that she went to bed in her pyjamas so when I quizzed Olivia the next day she said that she thought if she slept in her clothes for the next day she would be ready quicker in the morning as it would be one less job to do! She was clearly very proud of her idea and it does seem pretty logical. I couldn't really argue as she was very persuasive and it reminded me of the time another teacher told me ,several years ago, that she believes Olivia will be a lawyer when she's older as she can always argue her case.

She really does make me laugh as she is such good fun!

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