Heavy Duty Jet Wash

Needed for the mother in law's radio which she handed over to me last night with a request that I try to fix it.

Before I go near it, it needs a deep clean. I think there's enough food waste clinging on to the surfaces to feed a small nation for a full day; possibly longer.


Afternoon tea at Sue's last night for the benefit of the mother in law. Very civilized it was too though Andrew and I seemed to confuse the teapot with a red wine bottle.

No, I lie, with 2 red wine bottles.

Jack arrived at the house this morning with a bit of a dilemma. He had been swimming and had forgotten to put a pair of underpants in his kit bag so faced going to school commando or borrowing a pair of mine, or Di's for that matter. Who am I to judge.

He wisely opted for a pair of mine (only because he had games today I'm sure). I've told him I don't want them back. Not even if they go through the same cleaning process used on the radio!

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