My Best Efforts - Year 3


The Garland Spiraea ........

..........formally known as Spiraea arguta or Bridal Wreath.

Mine has suddenly burst into bloom and, from a distance, looks as if it is covered in snow!
These are easy shrubs to grow and will flower well providing they are pruned immediately the flowers fade. It is one of the bigger spiraeas, ideal for growing towards the back of the border, where it can make a soft green background for other plants after its spring display of pure white flowers has finished. Planted close together, they would make a great hedge!

Am pleased to say, Anni has sunshine - good, good! Pretty cold I think but that doesn't really matter.
On her way home tomorrow - seems to have had a great time.

My BOUI (bits of useless information) for today concern things which happened on the 31st March years ago:-

1) 1889 : 300m Eiffel Tower officially opens (commemorates French Revolution)

2)1896 : Whitcomb Judson, Chicago, patents a hookless fastening (zipper)

3)1959: Dalai Lama escapes to India
The spiritual leader of Tibet, the Dalai Lama, crosses the border into India after an epic 15-day journey on foot over the Himalayan mountains.


4)1963 : Los Angeles ends streetcar service after 90 years

Grey but dry at 10am with a promise of sun later on. Temperature around 45 Deg F.

Hope the sun shines on you.

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