Battle Of The Rebuild

After Physio on my knee I took a short work around the CBD. The same thing happen like the other day .. it was very cold and overcast, grey and gloomy. And as soon as I got home the sun decided to come out and it warmed up!

The 'Battle Of The Rebuild' is Boxing Event will bring together the major construction, home building, civil works and engineering companies involved in the rebuild of Christchurch for the largest construction industry event New Zealand has ever seen. Right now the city of Christchurch is being rebuilt.

The 'Battle of the Rebuild' is an opportunity for the construction industry to come together positively and to raise significant funds for charity.

The goal of the "Battle of the Rebuild" is to raise over $100,000 for charity.

This shot is taken where the Terrace development is going on. The Autumn colours are really starting show around the city now.. I am not looking forward to winter!

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