The case of the disappearing icecream

Chilled out start to the day, beautiful hummingbird baking book given to me - already added ingredients to Ocado for baking.

Daddy went shooting. Charlotte emptied the toy box!
She then came to me, arms outstretched and said charlotte bed, so back to bed she went.

I pottered, did some work, wrote a to do list for my last six days at work (fingers crossed that I get it all done before newt arrives)

Eventually woke Charlotte up and we had lunch.

Played in the garden / boing in the trampoline.

Went for a walk down to the reservoir - quite knackering, but lovely and quiet. Back up was hard going. Stopped for icecream. Ordered one for Charlotte which she sat beautifully on daddy's knee and ate! Popped to the pub for one quick one then home to play

Tea, bath, bed, roast consumed.
In bed already, got Sunday itus!

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