
By amartian

Chilling with Dot by night ... and up early ....
7:30 gondola on time and even managed to pick up Susie (her car's broke!)
Opening the hill, run report for sweet groomed up rabbit run, trips, whiteboard, alpha tow .... :)
Over to the quad, run report for far west again after a wrong turn and a wee slide down the fairway :)))) ... choppy and set up hard!
And winds a picking up ... long ride on the quad back up ... 'Too much wind, shutting down the quad, no one's on it' I heard on my radio as I sat mid ride on the quad :)))))
Fun! So on hold. Top station. Sweet as hanging out. Some beautiful imaged not caught on camera ... spindrift whirl wind with hazey sunshine but didn't manage that camera. Ropework with Swamps and Susie. Awesome. Great! But the day called, winds too much.
Home. Quick snooze. Pack and off to the city! Phewff! Stunning drive. Streaky snow hills of GlenCoe and Rannoch Moor in amazing sunlight. Beautiful. Yep but must fly. Just one wee stop for a photo .... Loch Linnhe ..... :)
And home to my Mum and Dad, so sweet to see them xx

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