All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Total Wipeout

Ethan's gymnastics club were doing a "Total Wipeout" sponsored challenge today which Ethan was taking part in. There was lots of different equipment set up in the gym today for them to try, including this trapeze. So of course, Adventuring Alfie had to have a shot with Ethan too! The coaches even had Ethan hanging from it by his knees at one point too, but Alfie didn't fancy trying that!

In the afternoon, Ethan went to Miss 42's birthday party. It's the first time I've left him at a party but he apparently had a fantastic time without me! Hubbie picked him up as I had by then gone through to Glasgow for a night out with my wonderful IVF Friends. It has been ages since all 7 of us have met up although 2 other girls sadly couldn't make it this evening. Great night out.

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