Dogs playing on Rodborough common

Despite feeling rather tired today we went up to Rodborough Common for a short walk, an ice cream and to sit on the grass in the hazy sunshine. Helena was keen to lie down and read her book, but I had pictures to take. I wandered about looking out westwards over the Severn valley from our high vantage point then taking close-ups of cowslips just coming into flower.

Then I heard skylarks singing high up in the sky, despite the noise of the strong breeze in my ears. I only briefly caught a glimpse of the singer and decided not to try to track them down. There were walkers, a few crows and magpies and a lot of dogs with their owners. some were small and chased balls thrown for them other were larger and wanted a bit of rough and tumble as they chased each other across the rugged terrain.

I liked these two large husky-like dogs who were oblivious to anything but themselves. I have added some pictures of a few of the other dogs here.

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