
By EileenGill

The Lost Weekend

And the cold virus continues! Not as bad today in that I don't feel like I've been kicked all over and I don't have the thumping headache. The cough has got worse though. Managed to get out for a little while - took a card and chocs to my Mum for Mother's Day. Saw a can of pear cider sitting in the kitchen - Dad had tried it but didn't like it so I came away from there with a can of pear cider to try, a bag of chocolate raisins, and a birthday card and chocs from a family friend who had left them there. Result!

Was looking back at last year's blips and on 29th March - my birthday last year I was clearly very grateful and I continue to be so. On 30th March last year there was snow!

Mist today, and not many blipping opportunities - but caught this little bird singing its heart out.

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