My Ambulance!

I was doing quite well today, up until about 11:00.
Got the joint on, made the Yorkshire batter and got one lot out, great crackling off the pork and got the roasties ready to go into the oven.

Come 11:00 I was hit with the most horrific severe pain with my gall bladder. I've had the pain before and always coped with it, even when I had it for a fortnight and walked around like a zombie full of Buscopan and Co-Codamol pain killers, but this pain was something else.

Spent 30 minutes writhing on the floor, standing up, lying down, tried to make myself vomit, doing anything to try to relieve the pain, I took 4 buscopan and two co-codamol during that half hour.
I'm normally pretty good with pain but Marlane was so worried she called the new 111 number and after a lengthy explanation and questioning 111 put Marlane through to 999. Marlane was very worried because she asked me if I minded if they sent an ambulance, I said I didn't mind - that worried her. Pain had been for just over an hour now!

So about 3 minutes before the ambulance arrived the pain miraculously disappeared just leaving me feeling very weak, wet from the sweating but very relieved.
Marlane called the 999 service to tell them to cancel the ambulance, just as it pulled up outside.
The paramedics were terrific though and checked me over as they'd got over the threshold.

I felt a bit embarrassed as the pain had gone but they were very understanding and said if it does come back to call again, and to take their report with me to the consultant appointment tomorrow.

I'll be very glad to get this gall bladder removed!

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