Peachie's Pics

By Peachie


"But as for you, turn around and set out toward the desert along the route to the Red Sea." Deuteronomy 1:40

Today's picture is of some bits that James bought for his model railway, this means it will be part of the wireless network and we will be able to connect in with our phones and control the trains. Apparently even I will be able to use it when all the work has finished. The white part on this picture is a router...

This provides me with my tenuous link to the Bible verse today as God as advising the Jews on which route to take when they escaped from Egypt. The first few books in the Bible make up this account of the Jews escape and journey to Israel - the Promised Land. This is a key part of history (or His Story as I like to call it) and shows how God protected the Jews from all sorts, and even when they did not do as He told them, He still looked out for them. God is such a good God that even when we have sinned He gives us what we need, sometimes we don't see it that way, until after the event, then we realise that God knew best all along. Imagine where we could get to if we trusted God in the first place....

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