Lyttelton Port

Well, a bit of Lyttelton Port.

I was up at stupid o'clock this morning because of a fishing expedition. We left the boat ramp just after 6am. It was dark in case you've ever wondered ;-)

What we did depended very much on the conditions. Me with my mending broken foot, the skipper with a mending broken toe left only one of us fully able bodied. Us with the broken bits aren't that broken any more, we're just a bit fragile still.

The sea was lumpy and the weather didn't really know what to do. It tried to be a southerly, thought about being nor'east, had a go from the sou'east and tried a while with little or no wind.

We stayed closer in rather than heading out for 2 hours to find Hapuka (Groper). We caught a zillion 8 Barracuda and a big Kahawhai. Barracuda are scary. All teeth and flesh full of worms. Not that 'Sea Lord' worries about that, they can it and call the product 'Smoked Fish'. It's great bait especially for Hapuka and Blue Cod but that will be a another day.

We saw lots of Hector's Dolphins up off the Waimakariri mouth, including several calves. Lots of laughs and good company. I feel below par now, that's what anti sea sickness medication does to me. I don't often take it but since we were potentially heading beyond the horizon, it seemed like a good idea.

It was a very grey day. The sun tried to come through and finally did late this afternoon, well after I was home. At sea the light was flat and uninspiring. Coming back in this Maersk Line container ship was my pick of the ships either in port or anchored outside the heads. It's smart and I liked the colours.

Yesterday's under surveillance.

I'm well behind on commenting, just a bit too much going on at present. Time to sleep off meds now. Tomorrow I have fresh Kahawhai and trout from the freezer to smoke.

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