Beautiful Birdsong
DDW's March Challenge #29 - Euphonious - pleasing to the ear
Providing our daily serenade...Pied Butcherbirds...the adults are black and white. This is is a young one, sits out the front and practises his repertoire, brightens the day.
From Wikipedia: "Several Australian and international composers have been inspired by and written music incorporating the songs of the Pied Butcherbird, including Henry Tate, David Lumsdaine (who described it as "a virtuoso of composition and improvisation"), Don Harper, Olivier Messiaen, Elaine Barkin, John Rodgers, Ron Nagorcka, and John Williamson.[16] In the dance 'Birdsong' by Siobhan Davies, the main central solo was accompanied by the call of an Australian Pied Butcher bird and this same sound provided great inspiration to much of the dance, including the improvisational aspects."
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