Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

This is love...

It is hard for me to put words to today (which is unusual for me!). This day, like yesterday, was all about our family being together - but unlike yesterday, today was about life and love and laughter. This is my mother-in-law, Virginia and her eldest great grandson, Patrick. You can see the joy in both their faces. And tomorrow, Virginia won't remember a thing about today, but I will remember and I will tell her...with pictures.

Today was my SIL's birthday, and her daughter's husband's birthday was two days ago. And although we buried my FIL yesterday, today was about celebration. And who better to remind us of the joy of life than children? We had lunch and talked, and laughed, and I took sooooo many photos. I picked this one, though, because it is a memory.

I am overflowing with love today. The only thing missing for me today was having my own parents here - but I will see them soon, and they won't escape my lens... (fair warning, you two!)

Give someone a hug today - and don't forget to tell those who are dear to you that you love them.


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