Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

First real snow

The snow is currently coming down and we are experiencing our first storm of the year. We are only expecting 5-7 inches (13-18 cm) and so the amount is not too heavy, but it is nice to see it coming down. Last week, the temperature reached 70 degrees fahrenheit (~21 C) and now we see a moderate snow fall. How odd.

Regardless, the snow has reinvigorated my blipping. I am looking forward to shooting all things snow over the next few days. It is amazing how an early snowless winter can grate on you.

In this shot, you see a tree on our property with Christmas lights. I am particularly pleased that I completed decorating this tree today just in time for the snow.

This is a long exposure shot with the camera tripod mounted and I took this relatively quickly due to the late hour. We had returned from a fun early Christmas party and I snuck out for a few minutes to take this shot. I hope to take some more shots celebrating the snow tomorrow.

Post processing:
Tweaked contrast and highlights in DPP

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