Another mini-BLIP meet

BLIPPERS are such lovely people. We’ve never met a horrible BLIPPER yet!

Normally Ann doesn’t do ‘cyber’ friends but Blippers are different. We’ve met loads of Blippers now and every single one of them are such lovely, lovely people.
Today Black Tulip & her husband who are on holiday in Cornwall, arranged to meet us, Jennyg & CurlyCarrie.

I’ve met Jennyg & CurlyCarrie before so they know how gorgeous I am.
However, I hadn’t met Black Tulip & her husband until today. We met at the NT cafe at Godrevy and I had to have a little pep talk first about how I should behave.
Ann said, ‘Molly, when we go into the cafe I need you to lie down under the table and stay there until it is time to leave’.

Well, I quite liked Black Tulip’s husband so I kept trying to lie down on my back so that he could tickle my tummy. Unfortunately my tummy was a bit wet & stinky ‘cos I’d had a run & a swim down on the beach first.

Anyway after the humans had drunk their coffee, I got another little walk so that they could all pose for BLIPS with the sea in the background.

........................Isn’t BLIP just a fabulous community of people???

PS - Just looked at my BLIP from 2 years ago 28 degrees??? It was freezing cold at Godrevy today!!!

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