Russian snowdrop

One of those curious days when nothing goes quite according to plan but nothing disastrous happened either.

Ex 1. Tesco delivered our groceries according to our online request. As I was putting it all away after the Tesco man had gone, I came across a bag with 6 bunches of bananas. The consequence of a slightly incorrect keyboard stroke. 'You can never have too many bananas' you might say. I think we are about to find out.

Ex 2. Decided to start tidying up the grass. This means taking stuff from the shed to the grass which is a little way away. I seem to have been perpetually tidying the shed and a fundamental truth is emerging. The tool that you really need is always in the least accessible place. But eventually I got the petrol mover, the electric rake, the battery strummer and the hand spring rake up t0 the grass. Then it started to rain. Cold rain bordering on the sleet. The grass still needs tidying.

It is said these things always happen in threes. I am waiting.

Meantime, the puschkinia provided some cheer. They are only 10/12cm high but they are a delight.

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