Morning fun

The great thing about our new routine is that we have to leave for school much earlier in the morning. Okay, that doesn't sound so great and both kids have to be woken up in the morning and then have to follow a strict military type routine just to get out of the house, but it means that we don't get caught in traffic and end up getting to school before 8am. This therefore means that we have time to play and it is so much fun and much more relaxing than our previous routine as we have more time in the morning to prepare depending on who is teaching first lesson.

Now that I'm a qualified indoor climbing instructor I can take the kids to the climbing wall on my own. Olivia can now climb to the top very comfortably and confidently while I belay for her. She is not so keen on the rappel as she doesn't feel as secure but she is getting better. I won't let Dex climb yet as he still trips over his own shadow but I don't think it will be too long. After we've done a bit of climbing we play the tickle monster (tag) came on the crash mats which is very funny (myself and Olivia have to crawl while Dex gets to run). I wish I could bottle the squeals of delight and laughter coming from the kids. I know the above photo isn't great but you can see the expression on Dexter's face which sums up his love for this game!

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