New from old!

A couple of years ago I was working on ideas for a series of prints called `Walk through the Woods' and I produced a print, based on a charcoal sketch, which I regarded as a failure. So it's been sitting in a folder ever since.

I've been thinking about ways I could use my prints in a more 3D way and had in mind an abstract landscape theme. Yesterday I rediscovered the failed print and decided to cut it up and fold it into cylindrical shapes - results above. Do you recall those plastic cylinders that had slits cut into them so they could be stacked or built at varying angles - well I envisage something like that, though I haven't got around to cutting slits yet. Yesterday in the studio I printed the plate again, but I it needs a little more subtlety in the printing and I'll need to work on it again next week. Meanwhile I need to source some plywood circles to use as bases. We used to have them in school for making moving toys, so I think I'll find something similar.

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